Tag Archive for: wudu

How Are the Verses About Wudu Interpreted?
Do you mind giving an explanation about the different…

How Do I Wash My Thin Beard During Ablution?
How do I wash my thin beard during ablution?

Does Water Need To Drip From a Limb For It To Be Considered Washed?
Question: Assalamualikum, I apply a handful of water to my…

Washing the Face in Wudu
Question: How do you wash your face in wudu? Do you have to scrub…

Losing Wudu While Praying
Question: I came home from my university and went to the…

How Do I Deal With Reoccurring Nightmares?
Question: I have been having reoccurring nightmares. They’re…

What Types of Socks Fulfill the Conditions of Wiping?
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
What types of socks…

Hair Re-growth and Wudu
Question: If I apply a hair regrowth medication to my scalp,…

Can I Make Supplications Silently While in the Bathroom?
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Question: Can I make supplication…

Cleaning Impurity
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Question: How do I properly…