Tag Archive for: terrorism

The threat to religious guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the importance of Spreading Prophetic Light
In this article, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the urgent need…

Striking Necks: It Must Be the Kharijites!
To paraphrase an aphorism coined by a 20th century philosopher,…

On the mass murder of Coptic Christians by ISIS
As-Salaam Alaikum,
When murder becomes an end, in and of itself,…

Explaining the Chapel Hill shooting to children
A moving and age appropriate guide for parents struggling to…

On the killing of three young American Muslims
Three young American Muslims, a husband, wife and sister, were…

Islam vs. ISIS: A Letter to Baghdadi from Leading Scholars
In response to the recent atrocities happening in Iraq and Syria,…

Understanding the Qur’anic Verse “Slay them wherever you find them”: Balance, Justice, and Mercy in Islamic Rules of Jihad
Answered by Sidi Faraz Khan
Question: Could you please explain…

Explaining the Caravan Raids by Early Muslims
Answered by Sidi Abdullah Anik Misra
Question: Can you please…

Leading Islamic Scholar’s Detailed Fatwa Against Suicide Bombing and All Forms of Terrorism – Shaykh Tahir Qadri
Islamic Library - Islamic Law > Fatwa: Suicide Bombing and…

Six Reasons Why the Fort Hood Killings by Nidal Hasan Are Clearly Impermissible (Haram) in Islamic Law
1. Betrayal of covenant (`and).
2. Impermissible deceit (ghadr).