Tag Archive for: terrorism

Can Muslims Stop The Rise of Extremism? Perhaps, If…
...We start with our own families to make sure there is a safe,…

Helping our children find the light in dark times, by Hina Khan-Mukhtar
“You should probably think about what you’re gonna say to…

Paris Attacks: Response and Responsibility
Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you), Bismillahir…

Khawarij Ideology, ISIS Savagery
"As ISIS continues its murder and violence across the provinces it controls…

ISIS, Sex Slaves and Islam – reflections from Imam Zaid Shakir
As-Salaamu Alaikum,
Today's New York Times' (NYT) article…

Clarity Amidst Turmoil – A Response to the Paris Shootings by Shaykh Walead Mosaad
Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, many Muslims…

Do You Think The Killer in Chattanooga Represents Any Of Us? – A Powerful Khutbah by Imam Khalid Latif
Imam Khalid Latif delivered a powerful khutbah on Eid Al-Fitr,…

On War & Beheadings: How ISIS Manipulates Hadiths, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani addresses a question asked at a session…

On War & Beheading: How ISIS Manipulates Hadiths, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani addresses a question asked at a session…

“The Way of Safety” – Responding to the Attacks in Tunisia, France & Kuwait
You’re listening to an extract of a Jummah khutbah by Shaykh…