Tag Archive for: supplication

protecting the environment

Is It Permissible to Pray for a Wife Like Princess Jasmine from Disney?

Answered by Ustadh Torab Torabi Question: I am 14 years old.…

Can I Ask For More Than One Thing in Du’a?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam. Question: I'm new converted…

Mercy Expressed in Active Concern: Remembering the Muslim Umma in One’s Prayers (dua) – Ma`ruf al-Karkhi

Mercy Expressed in Active Concern: Remembering the Muslim Umma…

Dua before reciting Qur’an – Qari Ismet

Dua before reciting – Qari Ismet In a previous post we featured…

Prophetic Supplication for Storms

Prophetic Supplication for Storms Ai'sha (Allah be pleased…

Prophetic Supplications for Fasting

Prophetic Supplications for Fasting Download PDF: Prophetic…

Are We Allowed to Make a Supplication Between the Iqama and the Opening Takbir of the Prayer?

Answered by Sidi Tabraze Azam Question: Is there any dua from…

Dealing With Depression Caused by Unemployment and Loneliness

Answered by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari Abdul-Razacq Question: I…

Supplication of Excellence to Parents – Du`a’ Birr al-Walidayn

This is a powerful, comprehensive supplication (du`a) for one's…