Tag Archive for: supplication

Personal Changes to Prayers in the Qur’an and Hadith

Question: Is it possible to shorten or change prayers (du'a)…

Maximizing Worship: Guidance for Menstruating Women in Ramadan

Although we all know that it’s the inward that matters, sometimes…

Do People Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell Forever?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat  Question If an extremely…

Prayer on the Fifteenth Night of Shaban – Muwasala

* Courtesy of Muwasala.org It is the practice of many of the…

Can I Make Dhikr While Doing Some Other Task?

Question: Can I make dhikr while doing some other task? Answer: Dear…

Does Allah Express His Displeasure By Not Answering My Du’a?

Question: I feel Allah Most High isn't pleased with me because…

Asking From God – The Art of Supplication: A Comprehensive Reader

A Comprehensive Guide to Supplication (Dua) In the Name of…

Dealing With Tribulations: A Comprehensive Reader

An Islamic Guide to Dealing with Tribulations SeekersGuidance…

Istikhara, The Prayer of Seeking Guidance: The Ultimate Guide – A Reader

A Comprehensive Guide to Istikhara The Prayer of Seeking Guidance SeekersGuidance…