Tag Archive for: salah
Do I Have to Repeat My Prayers in Which I Did Something That Is Disliked?
Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi
In the book “Ascent…
When Performing Them Alone, Is It Sunna to Say the Calls-to-Prayer (Adhan and Iqama) before Make-Up Prayers?
Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick
When performing…
Can I Pray the Eclipse Prayer While Owing Make-up Prayers?
Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick
Should I perform…
Does the Taste of Food or Swallowing Small Particles Invalidate the Prayer?
Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
If I can taste…
Do Animate Pictures or Dolls In the Room Affect my Prayer?
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
When praying around…
Can a Cat Purify Itself by Licking Its Fur?
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Can a cat purify itself…
What is the Ruling of Repeating a Verse of the Quran in Prayer?
Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Should I Repeat Past Prayers Due to Incorrect Performance of Ghusl?
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch
Should I repeat…
What Are the Differences Between Men and Women in Prayer? (Shafi‘i)
Answered by Shaykh Farid Dingle
Are there any authentic…
Are My Prayers Valid If I Don’t Recite the Opening Chapter?
Question: Assalamu 'Alaykum. There have been times when I have…