Tag Archive for: repentance

Telling the Whole Story Regarding Manslaughter

Question: If someone took someone else's life and was then pardoned…
Finding Allah Through Fasting

Committing Sins in Private

Question: Is it true that there is a hadith that says that if…
Duas and Suras to be Read in the Night Prayer

Anxiety Regarding Missed Prayers

Question: I suffer from extreme anxiety regarding missed prayers.…

Recording a Scholar Without Permission

Question: In the past, I have sat in semi-private and private…

Confused After Breaking-up With My Boyfriend

Question: I am a 24-year-old girl who was in a haram relationship…
How Can I Deal With Living With My Brother's Drug Problem?

Sorrow Over Sexual Misdeeds

Question: When I was about 7, I visited overseas on my yearly…

How Do I Go About Making up the Missed Prayers of the Past 7 Years?

Question: I have missed a lot of prayers for the past 7 years.…

How to Address Waswasa, Low Faith, and Thoughts of Insincerity?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question I have done some…
Trust The Visionary

What Is the Punishment for Apostasy in Islam?

Answered by Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan Question What is the punishment…

Stealing From One’s Mother

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat Question: I stole a…