Tag Archive for: renewing faith

Does Faith Weaken Due to Committing Sins, and How Can It Be Renewed?

Answered by Shaykh Bassem Itani Question Does faith weaken…

Can We Perform a Civil Marriage After Already Having Done Nikah?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question A few years ago, my…

What Is the True Meaning of “La Ilaha Ill Allah”?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question What is the true meaning…

Innovations and saying the testimony of faith before going to sleep 

  Question: Is it a blameworthy innovation to say the…
Hard Questions for the New Year

How does one repent from associating partners with Allah (shirk)?

Question Summary How does one repent from associating partners…

Can I recite the Shahada before going to bed?

Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. May…