Tag Archive for: purity

How Do I Remove Impurities from Something that Cannot be Squeezed?

Question: How do I remove impurities from something that cannot…

Taking a Bath

Question: Must one wash impurities from their child before placing…
Gas Problem

Distinguishing Between Types of Discharge

Question: How do I distinguish between semen (mani), pre-ejaculatory…

Istihada and Wudu

Question: Why is blood deemed fake menstruation (istihada)…

How Do I Ignore Misgivings in My Ritual Bath?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question How do I ignore misgivings…
special supplication

Washing of Whole Mouth During Ghusl

Question: Must I move my detached gums in the ritual bath (ghusl)…

How to Deal with Feelings of Discharge While Praying?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I come from an irreligious…

Wet Dreams and Ghusl

  Question: I understand the general rule for wet dreams…
The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Deer Antler Velvet Extract

Question: Is deer antler velvet extract pure, and can it…

How Can I Stop My Misgivings About Purity?

Answered by Shaykh Farid Dingle  Question I would like to…