Tag Archive for: purity

Was My Prayer Valid After I Woke Up Recalling a Dream but Did Not Shower?

Question: I slept for an hour after maghrib, and I had a…

Is My Ablution Nullified Upon Hearing a Sound?

Question: Is my ablution nullified upon hearing a sound? Answer: Dear…

Do Traces of Stool Nullify My Prayer?

Question: Do traces of stool nullify my prayer? Answer: Dear…

What Area of Pubic Hair Is Mandatory To Remove?

Question: What area of pubic hair is mandatory to remove? Answer: In…

Can I Pray With Blood on Me?

Question: Is blood filthy? Can you pray with blood on you?…

How Do I Deal With the Spreading of Filth That Dried on a Mattress a Decade Ago?

Question:  I have a mattress that has urine on it from…

How Do I Deal With Doubts Regarding the Purity of Clothing, if I Cannot Remember Whether It Was Pure or Not?

Question: How do I deal with doubts regarding the purity of…

Does a Feeling of Passing Wind Invalidate the Wudu, if There Is No Accompanying Sound or Smell?

Question: Does a feeling of passing wind invalidate the wudu,…

Why Is Fifteen Days the Maximum Length of a Period?

Question: Why is it that 15 days is the maximum length of…

Is Constant Passing of Wind Considered a Valid Excuse To Pray Without Ablution?

Question: Is constant passing wind considered a valid excuse…