Tag Archive for: prophetic example
Knowledge and Concern for Religion
This is the third article in a series dealing with parental education…
Prayer without sincerity
Assalamu alaykum.
Sometimes at the end of a long…
Why Am I So Concerned About My Imperfections?
Why am I so concerned about my imperfections?
Can Girls Have Sleepover Parties Where The Dress Is Relaxed?
Question: Assalamu 'alaykum. I want to ask if girls can have…
How Do I Balance Between This World and the Next?
Question: How Do I balance between this world and the next?
Are Loyalty Cards Considered Gambling?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Is it permissible…
Is Violence During Intercourse Allowed?
Question: Is it permissible to strike the face or put one's foot…
What Can I Do If I Fell In Love with Another Man?
Question: I fell in true love with another man despite…
Can I Lie in a Survey to Earn Money?
Assalamu 'alaykum.
There are some websites which…
Cosmetic Surgery for Insecurities
Question: I am 21 years old and I'm very insecure about…