Tag Archive for: Maturidi

What Is the Maturidi Position on Actions of Servants (Af’al al-’Ibad)?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
According to Imam…

What Is the Relation between Allah’s Attributes and Names?
Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah
I have several questions…

Which School of Thought Should I Follow in ‘Aqida?
Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
I learned that there…

Did Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ash’ari Change His Aqida?
Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick
I have come across…

Discussing Correct Aqida
Ustadh Farid Dingle is asked for advice on how to counter the…

Shaykh Emad Effat – Shaykh of the Revolution, Martyr of al-Azhar
Seven years ago today, Shaykh Emad Effat died of a gunshot wound when Egyptian soldiers clashed with demonstrators – of which Shaykh Emad was one – protesting against the country’s military leaders in downtown Cairo. He became known as “Shaykh al-Thawra” (the shaykh of the revolution) and “Shaheed al-Azhar” (the martyr of the Azhar). Seven years on, I still ponder a great deal about Shaykh Emad, what he represented, what lessons he taught those of us who believed in the January 25th revolution of Egypt, and the roles that religious leaders play today in the region from whence he came.

What Islamic Perspective is Taught at SeekersGuidance?
Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas
Question: Are the courses…