Tag Archive for: marriage

Imam Haddad’s Poem at His Wife’s Death

I am in Love and Want To Make Her My Second Wife

Question: I am in love with a girl of another Muslim ethnicity…

Should I Accept a Proposal From My Relative Due To My Mother’s Death?

Question: I am a 22-year-old female. My mother passed away unexpectedly…

Parents Don’t Approve of Marriage Despite My Conversion

Question: I am in love with a Muslim girl but her parents won't…

Why Is It That a Man Can Control Where His Wife Goes?

Answered by Shaykh Farid Dingle  Question Why is it that a…
Student Testimonial - Tamim Faruk

Marrying Someone Older

Question: I like a man who is 7 years older than me. I want to…

Can A Father Refuse To Meet A Suitor For His Daughter?

Question: Can a father refuse to meet a potential suitor for…

How Do You Read the Signs for the Istikhara Prayer for Marriage?

Answered by Ustadh Farid Dingle Question How do you read the…

My Husband Impregnated Another Woman

Question: I have been married for three and a half years and…

My Husband Is Too Strict About My Clothing

Question: I had a nikah recently and we have not moved in together…

I No Longer Love My Husband After He Married a Second Wife

Question: I am the first wife. Before my husband married a second…