Tag Archive for: marriage

Is a Marriage Valid if Done in a Group Message?

Question: Assalamu 'alaykuym. I married a man in witness of…

What Can I Do if My Parents Do Not Accept the Person I Want to Marry?

Question:  I am really in love with a kind-hearted, pious gentleman…

How Can I Relieve My Anxiety Over No Marriage Prospects?

Question: I am a 31-year-old male. I have no job or money…

Should I Marry Someone from Outside of My Culture?

Question: I am in a difficult situation, and I need help. I am…

Do I Have to Cook and Clean for My Husband if I Work Too?

Question: Is a woman obligated to cook for the household? If…

A Guide to Marriage: SeekersGuidance Reader

A Guide To Marriage in Islam SeekersGuidance Readers provide…

Blessings of a Lockdown Wedding

Hidden Blessings in Weddings that Took Place During Covid-19   Before…

Parents Rejecting The Man I Love Due To Ethnicity

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I want to get married…

Marrying Someone Who Wanted To Marry Someone Else

Question: I have received a marriage proposal and I have…

Secret Nikah

Question: I love a girl and we both have the same goal to get…