Tag Archive for: marriage

How Long Is It Permissible To Date a Person Before the Nikah?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad  Question How long is it…

Should I Marry This Moderately Religious Girl or Wait and Look for a More Religious One?

Question: I'm strongly considering marrying someone, but I'm…

How Do I Deal With a Family Who Is Pressuring Me To Marry My Cousin Back Home?

Question: I am a 21-year-old Afghan woman currently in college…

Should I Get Engaged to a Man Who Wants To Delay the Proposal To Sort Out His Career First?

Question: I have been praying istikhara for marriage for some…

How can I seek a divorce?

Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. May…

Spouse no longers want sexual relations

Question: If one has become old and does not value sexual relations…

Should I Wait To Marry the Man That I Love Until He Gets a Job?

Question: A man and woman like each other, but they live…