Tag Archive for: Knowledge
Advice of Leading Muslim Scholars on Seeking Islamic Knowledge
Shaykh Faid Muhammad Said, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Yahya…
10 Steps to Firm-Footedness in Seeking Knowledge of Fiqh
In this brief podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani provides 10 genuinely…
The Blessing of Knowledge, by Shaykh Faid Muhammad Said
Allah has promised that He will facilitate the path to Jannah…
Adab 07: The Proprieties of Earning a Living
When we live up to the ideals and deep, moral standards of the religion, we can be hopeful of something tremendous from Allah in the hereafter. After all, this life is merely a means to the next, and not an end-goal in and of itself. Earning a livelihood is something that most of us can probably relate to, but our fast-paced lives, however, can sometimes hinder our ability to simply pause for a moment and review our trajectory into eternity. Seldom is a moment of contemplation void of any lasting benefit when it is for Allah.
Adab 06: The Adab of the Mosque Pt II
Ustadh Tabraze Azam reminds is of the honor Allah has bestowed…
Similitudes and Parables in the Qur’an – Intro
Shaykh Jamir Meah introduces his new series: Similitudes and…
Mercy, the Stamp of Creation
Dr Umar Faruq Abd Allah examines the role of mercy and eternal…
Adab 05: The Adab of the Mosque Pt I
Indeed, the greatest of places on the face of the earth in the sight of Allah Most High is the mosque. What does it mean for a place to beloved to Allah? It means that He inscribes tremendous good for the people therein. And why are they beloved? Because they are places where the most supreme form of worship occurs, namely, scores of believing men and women planting their faces humbly in the ground before their All-Powerful Lord.
Obituary: Shaykh Abd al Rahman Ba ‘Abbad
Shaykh Abd al Rahman ibn Abdullah Ba ‘Abbad hails from a tribe…
Obituary: Habib Abbas al Saqqaf
As the year 1439 came to a close, the Ummah lost one of its great…