Tag Archive for: khidma

Some of the Proper Manners of Service (khidma) Ones Teachers—and in All Religious Activism – Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Some of the Proper Manners of Service (khidma) Ones Teachers—and…

Serve and Serve Again (30 Days, 30 Deeds), by Shaykh Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes
Serve and Serve Again, by Shaykh Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes

Let’s Make an Impact. Can you Volunteer Some Time?
Volunteer your time to call your friends and family to Allah

Muslim Communal Obligation: Stories That Will Have You In Tears
Imagine spending years saving up for hajj. And then imagine,…

Interview with One of Egypt’s Neglected Poor
An interview with a poor, elderly Egyptian lady. A thought-provoking…