Tag Archive for: ISLAMOPHOBIA

Duas for Protection for Muslim Women In Danger of Harassment – Habib Umar
Habib Umar bin Hafiz, may Allah protect him and benefit us by…

Donald Trump and the Triumph of Islam, by Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad
In the aftermath of Donald Trump's shock election, Shaykh Abdal-Hakim…

Soul Searching in the Hour of Chaos, by Shaykh Jihad Brown
In the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the…

Rethinking Our Identity as Western Muslims: A Black-and-White Dichotomy?
As turmoil increases around the world, the identity of Western…

Black Lives Matter: If You’re Right With God, You’re Right – Imam Zaid Shakir
Imam Zaid Shakir has had to bury people who were shot by cops…

When Will Muslims Take Back Jerusalem? Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
When will Muslims take back Jerusalem? This question has been…

Why the Lahore Bombings Show that Ignorance is Folly
A proverb reads, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be…

Mother of "cucumber, not cooker bomb" toddler, in her own words
Editor's note: In January 2016, a British Muslim mother was called…

The Prophetic ﷺ Response to Islamophobia: The Story of Adi bin Hatem
What can we learn from the Prophetic ﷺ response to Islamophobia?…

Blackness, Racism And How The Arabic Language Rises Above It All
Shaykh Muhammad Mendes responds to this question during a Lamppost…