Tag Archive for: invalidators of wudu

Did I invalidate my wudu in the past?

Question: Assalamu alaykum While studying the basics (Shafi)…

Is My Wudu Valid if I Pass Gas During the Act?

Question: Is our wudu valid if we pass gas during wudu, but…

How Do I Determine Whether the Blood Under My Toenail Is Flowing?

Question: How do I determine whether the blood under my toenail…

Removing Make-Up for Wudu

Question: I am concerned my make-up has not been completely…
Pray the Duha Prayer

Losing Wudu While Praying

Question:  I came home from my university and went to the…

Does your wudu break by checking your blood sugar?

Question Summary Does a pinprick during a blood sugar test…

Does Air Exiting From the Front Privates of a Female Invalidate Her Wudu? (Shafi’i)

Answered by Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan Question: Assalam alaykum, Does…