Tag Archive for: duaa

Dua for Hope: What We Should Say When We Feel Despair
* Courtesy of Muwasala – Click here for the original post

Adab of Dua Series: Introduction and Etiquette
The Adab of Dua is a 30-part series about the etiquette and reality…

10 Powerful Duas That Will Change Your Life
All prayers are powerful but what makes them powerful? Shaykh…

Are There Any Supplications to Brighten One’s Face?
Answered by Sulma Badrudduja
Question: Is there a specific…

What is the Dua to Say When Looking at One’s Self in the Mirror?
Answered by SeekersHub Answers Service
Question : What is…

The Virtue of Saying Amin
Understanding Virtue through the Prophetic Teachings (Lesson…

The Best of What You Can Seek From Allah
In the Name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful

Prophetic Supplications for Our Times – Seeking Refuge From Debt, Sin, and Disbelief
In the Name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful
The Beloved…