Tag Archive for: du`a

How Do I Supplicate during Salah?
Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
1) What is the perfect…

Is it permissible to make du’a during prostration, between the prostrations and at the end of the prayer? Must one only make Qur’anic supplications?
Question Summary
Is it permissible to make du’a during prostration,…

I am suffering and my du`a is not being answered
Question: I'm sad, and I don't know what to do. I wish for…

How Does One Gain Sincerity in Du’a(supplication)?
Question Summary
How does one gain sincerity is dua? Is du’a…

Repenting from praying against others
Question: What do I have to do if I have made a prayer…

I have asked Allah for something haram. What should I do?
As Salaamu Alaykum
If a person is unsure whether…

Should I Pray To Get Into an Ivy League University Even Though My Parents Don’t Want Me To Go?
Should I Pray To Get Into an Ivy League University Even Though…

The Kingdom of Allah in hadith explained
Thank you for your question. It’s great you’re asking…

Praying for Favorite Team
Question: Can I pray to Allah that my favorite team…

Ten Ways Menstruating Women Can Benefit during Ramadan
Dread your period during the blessed month of Ramadan. Do you…