Renewing Commitment: Four Characteristics of the Prophetic Way – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) told us: “I have left you on the clear, wide way. (So clear) its night is like its day. None will veer from it except for one who ruins themselves.” What are the clear characteristics and the core aspects of the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)?

Shaykh Faraz explains one way to identify the clear characteristics of the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He specifies the four key characteristics to be: [1] knowledge (‘ilm), [2] acting on that knowledge (‘amal), [3] calling others to the way of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and [4] purification (tazkiya).

In this talk Shaykh Faraz explains each of these four foundations of the Prophetic way and how they all tie in together. He gives key tips and counsels on how to strive to attain those characteristics and link oneself to them.

This talk was delivered at the Meadow Heights Mosque in Melbourne, Australia.

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