
May 2, 2019 0 mins

Get Ready for Ramadan: Constructing a Plan – Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Ustadh Amjad Tarsin gives some key pointers on the importance of constructing a plan for Ramadan, in order to make the most of it, and how to do so. He also explains that fasting is not just abstaining from food and drink in the daytime, it is abstaining from all prohibited actions of the limbs. […]
April 25, 2019 2 mins

Why Muslims Fast: The Higher Aims of Fasting Explained – Shaykh Faraz Rabb...

Why Muslims Fast   Have you ever wondered why Muslims fast? What’s the point of avoiding food and drink for a month? Surely I can still reach “the heights” whilst I continue to eat and drink? Why is going hungry good for my spirituality? If you’ve thought about Ramadan before and one of these questions […]
January 27, 2019 5 mins

7 Student Testimonials to Inspire You

Last year alone SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary served more than 80,000 students from over 140 countries. Here is what some of them had to say. Traditional Knowledge from Traditional Scholars I wanted to get traditional knowledge from traditional scholars, but I just couldn’t find that kind of knowledge in my local community. When I looked […]
December 3, 2018 11 mins

Adab 07: The Proprieties of Earning a Living

When we live up to the ideals and deep, moral standards of the religion, we can be hopeful of something tremendous from Allah in the hereafter. After all, this life is merely a means to the next, and not an end-goal in and of itself. Earning a livelihood is something that most of us can probably relate to, but our fast-paced lives, however, can sometimes hinder our ability to simply pause for a moment and review our trajectory into eternity. Seldom is a moment of contemplation void of any lasting benefit when it is for Allah.
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