Social Issues

April 15, 2021 7 mins

Ten Ways Menstruating Women Can Benefit during Ramadan

Dread your period during the blessed month of Ramadan. Do you feel like you’re missing out on all the worship? Nour Merza gives women ten practical ways to benefit from this blessed month spiritually. Every Ramadan, most women will have about a week in which they cannot join in the major religious practices of the […]
August 20, 2020 2 mins

Muharram: The Islamic Calendar’s January | A Reader

The new Islamic year is almost upon us and although setting New Year’s Resolutions based on the Islamic calendar isn’t a common practice, there are a few things we should do; reflect over the previous year and take a moment to assess our accomplishments, and think about how we can make the next Islamic year […]
July 31, 2020 1 min

Unite for Yemen | As a collective body we come together

  Unite for Yemen The Situation: Years of conflict have forced millions to leave their homes and it estimated that some 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Agencies are calling this the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” (UN, 2020). Countless airstrikes have killed […]
July 24, 2020 3 mins

Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah: The Parameters of Respecting Differences of Opinion in...

What does it mean to have a difference of opinion in Islam? In Islam we have different opinions about things and those different opinions are based on the nature of Islamic law. We also have rules that indicate to us how we can live together, what things we need to agree upon and not differ […]
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