Prophet Muhammad

June 6, 2018 3 mins

Habib Ali al Jifri and the Man Who Killed His Teacher

Habib Ali al Jifri tells the story of the day he met the man who killed his teacher and unfolds it into a lesson on showing mercy to those who wrong us. I was in Aden. Someone who was one of the leaders of the regime which killed scholars in this blessed valley [of Hadramawt] […]
June 5, 2018 5 mins

The Blessings of Suhur – Shaykh Jamir Meah

Shaykh Jamir Meah gives us all a simple reminder of the blessings of the pre-dawn meal or Suhur. Opportunities to obtain benefit (worldly, spiritual, or both) present themselves with every passing breath of our lives. Even in the smallest moments of spare time, or in the seemingly easiest and mundane of acts, we find opportunities […]
June 2, 2018 4 mins

Ask in the Presence of Allah – Dr Shadee Elmasry

Dr Shadee Elmasry recounts the narration on the reduction of prayers from fifty to five and lists nine things we can learn from this. In the Isra and Miraj, the Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, tells us: Then the prayers were enjoined on me: they were fifty prayers a day. When I returned, […]
June 1, 2018 2 mins

Nasheed Hub: Qasidah Muhammadiya

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersGuidance Global, aims to showcase the traditional Islamic art of nasheed, or Islamic devotional songs. Qasidah Muhammadiya Qasida Muhammadiya (The Muhammadan Ode) is a wonderful example of both linguistic eloquence and heartfelt love. It was written by Imam Busiri, the same poet who wrote the famous “Qasida Burda,” or […]
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