Nasheed Hub

January 16, 2019 1 min

Nasheed Hub: Bi Haqqila

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersHub Global, aims to showcase the traditional Islamic art of nasheed, or Islamic devotional songs. Bi Haqqila Rijal Allah The tradition of tawassul, or seeking Allah’s favours through the high rank of Prophets or the righteous, is a confirmed practice which has been done through the centuries of Islamic history. […]
December 14, 2018 2 mins

Nasheed Hub: Ataynak Bil Faqr

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersHub Global, aims to showcase the traditional Islamic art of nasheed, or Islamic devotional songs. Ataynak Bil Faqr (We Have Come to You In Need) Ataynak Bil Faqr is a classic nasheed that sung all over the Muslim world. It comes in the form of an intimate expression of […]
December 3, 2018 2 mins

Nasheed Hub: SallaAllahu Alayk Ya Nur

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersHub Global, aims to showcase the traditional Islamic art of nasheed, or Islamic devotional songs. Sallalahu Alayk Ya Nur This poem sends praise and blessings upon the Prophet, using analogy and comparing him to light. It was written by Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi, the leader of the Alawi spiritual path. […]
November 15, 2018 2 mins

Nasheed Hub: Ya Talib al-Fana

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersHub Global, aims to showcase the traditional Islamic art of nasheed, or Islamic devotional songs. Ya Talib al-Fana (O You Who Seeks Annihilation Through Allah) Ya Talib al-Fana, is the final poem in the series of the works of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib. It speaks to those who desire Allah […]
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