
October 16, 2018 2 mins

How SeekersGuidance Courses Work

If you’ve never taken a SeekersGuidance course before, you might be curious how it all works! Here is a complete tour of the SeekersGuidance course experience. 1) Lessons When you log in, you will find a list of lessons for each week of the semester. Each course has weekly audio lessons; some also have supplementary […]
October 12, 2018 14 mins

What Is Aqida and Why Study It? – Shaykh Hassan al Hindi

Shaykh Hassan al Hindi gives an overview of the science of ʿaqida, clarifies points of contention and agreement, and explains why it is a necessary science. Though each of the Islamic sciences has its specific topics of inquiry and detailed investigations, a student may find himself losing sight of the purpose, importance, and distinctive features […]
October 8, 2018 8 mins

Adab 05: The Adab of the Mosque Pt I

Indeed, the greatest of places on the face of the earth in the sight of Allah Most High is the mosque. What does it mean for a place to beloved to Allah? It means that He inscribes tremendous good for the people therein. And why are they beloved? Because they are places where the most supreme form of worship occurs, namely, scores of believing men and women planting their faces humbly in the ground before their All-Powerful Lord.
October 3, 2018 2 mins

Support “The Mother” – Help Us Raise $200,000 to Support Women’s...

Give your zakat and charity, urgently, to raise $200,000 to support deserving and needy women scholars and students of Islamic knowledge around the world. Our goal is to raise $200,000 USD in a Zakat friendly campaign in order to support six female seekers of knowledge: two students and four female scholars. It is imperative that we support female […]
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