
November 9, 2018 8 mins

Human Motivation in Sura al Nahl

One cannot understand the two similitudes which were mentioned after the bee without recourse to the vivid imagery and expressive indication of the workings of the bee in producing honey. With this context, it is possible to understand the contrasts found in these two examples: the first, a slave in bondage, incapable of anything, contrasted with someone who God has given an excellent provision; he spends it secretly and openly.
November 5, 2018 7 mins

Adab 06: The Adab of the Mosque Pt II

Ustadh Tabraze Azam reminds is of the honor Allah has bestowed upon the mosque as a place of worship and the importance of right conduct in it. Allah Most High says: Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has perfect knowledge of […]
October 24, 2018 3 mins

Our Lady Fatima al Zahra

She is Fatima al Batul, al Zahra, the radiant Lady of Paradise, the daughter of the Beloved, Allah bless him and give him peace. She is the mother of the prophetic progeny, Allah be pleased with her. She is also called al Siddiqa, the truthful; al Tahira, the pure; and al Zakiyya, the flawless.
October 23, 2018 4 mins

Podcasts: Minority Fiqh and Aqida with Mufti Taha Karaan

Mufti Taha Karaan is a Shafi‘i scholar born in Cape Town, South Africa, to a family renowned in both its maternal and paternal lineage for Islamic scholarship. His father, the late Mufti Yusuf Karaan, may Allah have mercy on his soul, was one of the most distinguished Islamic scholars in the Cape.
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