
November 30, 2015 1 min

AUDIO: The Ornamented Ladder into the Science of Logic

The Ornamented Ladder into the Science of Logic (“Al-Sullam Al-Munawraq”) is a highly popular didactic poem by Imam ʻAbd al-Rahman al-Akhdari (1514 – 1546). Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari, Founder and Director of the Ihsan Institute has made a full recording for students of knowledge who are striving to memorise this text. The 144-line poem outlines the principles of Aristotelian […]
October 6, 2015 1 min

Hopelessness, Despair & the Abundance of Good, by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

“There is no room for the believer to harbor feelings of hopelessness and despair, and God the Exalted has given us abundant paths to be involved in goodness” – this and other pearls from Ustadh Amjad Tarsin’s Friday sermon at the University of Toronto. Support the Muslim Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto by donating today and […]
July 7, 2015 1 min

Infertility: Why does Allah Not Bless Some With Children?

As part of the SeekersGuidance Ramadan series, Supplications from the Qur’an, Shaykh Ahmed Sa’ad al-Azhari addressed a sensitive and sometimes painful topic: Infertility Why does Allah bless some of us with children, and others not? Is it better to be a happy, childless couple than to be an unhappy pair of parents to a child, […]
July 3, 2015 2 mins

Embark on a Journey Within: SoulFood FM Daily Podcast

We invite you to join us as we embark on a ‘journey within’ with the SoulFood FM daily Podcast. We have been treated to a short but concise podcast from Ustadh Amjad Tarsin daily.  The topics covered so far have been eye-opening and compelling. Ustadh has spoken about patience, character, anger, and arrogance. If you […]
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