
June 1, 2016 1 min

Are Culture and Religion Mutually Exclusive? Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah (3-part se...

What is the connection between religion and culture? What does Islam say about the place of culture in our lives? Do cultural norms conflict with religion, or do they have some sort of authority? And what do art, science, and history have to do with it all? In this illuminating three-part series, Dr. Umar Faruq […]
June 1, 2016 1 min

Why Your Soul Craves The Love Of Allah – Habib Hussein al-Saqqaf

Habib Hussein al-Saqqaf was invited to the SeekersRetreat 2016 but was unable to come. Instead, he prepared this beautiful video for the participants and now, we are releasing his gift to the public. Even if you weren’t able to come to the retreat, inshaAllah you will gain much benefit from his talk. Our Origins and Love Habib […]
April 20, 2016 1 min

Four Obstacles to Obedience to Allah

We’ve all been through the moment where we’re ready to make change and get right with God, but when we try, we just can’t seem to follow through. Either our plans aren’t sustainable, or our old ways are just too tempting. In this series of lectures, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin, chaplain at the University of Toronto, […]
April 15, 2016 2 mins

How do I find purpose in Life? 11-part class with Shaykh Walead Mosaad

This class was conducted by Shaykh Walead Mosaad as part of Sakina Collective’s Spring 2015 Semester roster of classes. The class caters to an American Muslim audience who seek to apply the Prophetic teachings in their daily lives. The topics and discussions were organic and were set as per the feedback received from the attendees. […]
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