Damaged Inner State

Damaged Inner State? Imam Ghazali on Repentance

Ever felt broken inside, so badly you wondered whether you’d ever be fixed? In Sarajevo, Bosnia, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad discussed Imam Ghazali’s exposition of repentance and how a person can achieve it.

Relevance of Repentance

What is wrong action? How can we understand our damaged inner state, and repair it? Imam Ghazali explains that repentance consists of knowledge of the act, an emotion of sorrow, and a decisive inner and outward action that will erase the wrong action and help the spiritual wayfarer never to return to it. Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad discusses the Imam’s thoughts from The Sinanova Tekke, Sarajevo.

Our thanks to Travelling Light for this recording.

Cover picture by Anil Kumar.

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