Academy Students

A New Look For Our Academy Students – Term 2, 2018

Alhamdulillah, with the launch of Term 2, 2018, we have introduced a new look for our Academy dashboard.

The new user interface not only looks good, it also has a number of features that we think that will improve the usability of the dashboard.
Here are just a few of the features:

  1. A Profile Page which is fully designed to give you a quick glance over your entire activities.
  2. A minimal approach to Course Archive page displays only the most necessary details.
  3. A revamped Single Course page provides every possible course related detail at your cursor tips.
  4. A distraction-free learning to a new level with “Full-Screen Mode.”
  5. A cleaner, sleeker and feature rich calendar.
  6. A responsive theme that is adaptive to the device you are using.

The different styles, depending on what device you are using, can be seen below.
Register for a course today, and see the new user interface for yourself.

Look For Our Academy Students


Look For Our Academy Students


Look For Our Academy Students


REGISTER for Term 2 Courses 2018 Now. We’ve extended the deadline!