Three Signs of Righteousness – Dhu’n Nun al-Masri
In the Name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful
Three Signs of Righteousness (birr)
Good character is the essence of virtue
Dhu’n Nun al-Masri said,
“Three things are distinguishing signs of righteousness (birr):
(1) righteousness to parents, by excellence in obedience; humility; and spending one’s money on them;
(2) righteousness to children, by instilling proper manners (adab) and guiding them towards good;
(3) righteousness with people, by being cheerful and keeping their company in a good way.”
[Bayhaqi, Shu`ab al-Iman, 6.187]
This is spelling out the reality mentioned by the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk) that, “Righteousness is good character.” (al-birr husn al-khuluq) [Muslim, Tirmidhi, and others]
قال ذو النون ثلاثة من أعلام البر : بر الوالدين بحسن الطاعة لهما ولين الجناح وبذل المال ، وبر الولد بحسن التأديب لهم والدلالة على الخير ، وبر جميع الناس بطلاقة الوجه وحسن المعاشرة
(3) شعب الإيمان ج: 6 ص: 187