Operating without Barriers : Recruiting 500 Monthly Donors

In 2012, SeekersGuidance Global made a big change – we began to offer all of our classes free of cost. By doing so, we sought to ensure the availability of authentic scholars and traditional Knowledge Without Barriers. In doing so, we have exponentially expanded the reach of our services, reaching 10,000 students in over 100 countries
We cannot offer Knowledge Without Barriers, however, without the help of our supporters.
We have set a target goal for the month of April at 500 monthly donors at an average amount of $35 per month. If we reach this goal, SeekersGuidance Global can Operate without Barriers, and stabilize the funding we need for the services we offer. No monthly commitment is too little!

High-Impact Donation

With SeekersGuidance Global, you can be sure that any dollar you donate will go as far as we can take it. SeekersGuidance has adopted a high-efficiency model for a fast paced world, using far reaching technology to link seekers of knowledge with those who can provide it.
SeekersGuidance Global has gathered scholars of the highest caliber to meet global challenges. The immensely popular Answers service answers 40 unique questions per day – allowing scholars to apply sound fiqh to practical conundrums faced by an increasingly scattered and diverse Ummah. By supporting SeekersGuidance Global you can help scholars devote themselves full time to educating and supporting Muslims in every corner of the globe, some of them who literally had no access to Islamic scholarship were it not for SeekersGuidance Global being a free online portal.
Importantly, we have just been granted 501c3 tax-exempt status, which means that donations made within the U.S. are eligible for tax deducations!
How you can help:
1) Become a Monthly Donor: Access our website for our Operating without Barriers campaign page, https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate .
2) Advocating: Share the SeekersGuidance Global story with your friends and family, and encourage them to take our classes and to donate to our project.

3) Organizing: If you would like to host a fundraising event in your community or know of a community that would be interested, please reach out to us and help us organize such an effort at donate@seekers.flywheelstaging.com .
4) Sharing: Utilize your Facebook and other social media profiles to highlight our work and promote our fundraising push for 500 Monthly donors
Click here to connect to our Facebook Page
Click here for our Twitter Page, please use the #500monthly tag!
5) Supplicating: Most importantly, please keep SeekersGuidance Global in your thoughts and prayers.
With a humble thank you and prayers,
Abrar Qadir
Business Development Manager, SeekersGuidance Global