Nine Keys to True Brotherhood – Imam Sulami

Imam Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami (Allah have mercy on him), one of the great masters of the spiritual path, wrote in his work The Proper Manners of Companionship (Adab al-Suhba) that,

Proper companionship with one’s friends is through:

[1] Remaining constantly cheerful

[2] Doing the good

[3] Spreading mention of their virtues

[4] Concealing their errors

[5] Considering great his little acts of good

[6] Considering little anything one does for them

[7] Taking care of them with one’s person and wealth

[8] Avoiding malice, envy, harming, hurting, and all matters
that they dislike, in any way

[9] Leaving anything one would have to apologize for.


آداب الصحبة لأبي عبد الرحمن السلمي – (ج 1 / ص

الصحبة مع الإخوان والصحبة مع الإخوان بدوام البشر ، وبذل المعروف ، ونشر المحاسن ، وستر القبائح ، واستكثار قليل برهم ، واستصغار ما منك إليهم ، وتعهدهم بالنفس والمال ، ومجانبة الحقد والحسد والبغي والأذى وما يكرهون من جميع الوجوه ، وترك ما يعتذر منه .