Seek Knowledge with our FREE Online Courses

Take one of our FREE online courses this term with SeekersGuidance

Seeking knowledge is one of the surest best ways of drawing closer to Allah, and finding Divine assistance in one’s life & religion. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants deep understanding of religion.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
free online coursesHelp us Spread the Word
1. Encourage friends and family to take the courses. Email them, and try to give a personalized recommendation. Please share this blog on social media.
2. Become a SeekersGuidance Online Ambassador on Facebook: SeekersGuidance Online Ambassadors.
The goal of this group is to educate our peers about SeekersGuidance events through social media. Members are encouraged to share more ideas to get the word out with everyone else in the group.
“Whoever points to the good has the reward of those who act on it,” said the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
free online coursesWhy are our courses FREE?
Our course are free due to ”Knowledge Without Barriers”. This is an expression of our commitment to spread the light of Prophetic guidance as far & wide as we can–without barriers. Knowledge without Barriers is a direct response to the contemporary challenge Muslims are facing globally regarding access to authoritative and sound knowledge in Sacred Sciences.
With SeekersGuidance you can learn directly from quality teachers, who are highly qualified.
Teachers such as Ustadh Abdul Latif Al-Amin who has been nurtured by SeekersGuidance from student to teacher. We also have some excellent up and coming scholars who will, God-willing, be the leaders of the future.
Which Courses Should You Take?
All our courses focus on topics that are “beneficial knowledge,” but we would recommend:
1. If you’re starting on the path of knowledge I suggest:
The Absolute Essentials: Beliefs, Prayer, and Spirituality
Taught by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Ustadh Abdullah Misra
The 40 Foundations of Religion (by Imam Ghazali): Excellence in Faith and Actions
Taught by Shaykh Faraz A. Khan
2. If you want to learn about life of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), and to acquire Prophetic character & conduct:
Meccan Dawn: The Life of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad
Taught by Ustadh Abdullah Misra
Prophetic Conduct: Islamic Manners in Everyday Life
Taught by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Ustadh Abdul Latif Al-Amin
Gardens of the Righteous: the Sunnah of the Sunnah
Taught by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani & Ustadh Abdul Latif Al-Amin
3. If you are a seeker of knowledge:
SeekersSteps: We highly recommend that you join the SeekersSteps Curriculum if you want a clear path towards learning. We currently offer three courses in the curriculum, which should be taken in order at your own pace for maximum benefit. Please see the website for more information on this groundbreaking initiative.
4. If you are seeking spiritual guidance and to improve your relationship with Allah:
The Marvels of the Heart
Taught by Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
5. For clarity on key life concerns:
Islamic Parenting: Raising Upright Children
Taught by Faraz Rabbani and Ustadha Shireen Ahmed
Money Matters: Islamic Finance in Everyday Life
Taught by Faraz Rabbani
… and more. See the full list of courses at and join other keen seekers on the path of knowledge guidance.