Five Reasons to Support the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary This Ramadan

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(1) Global Impact. (2)World-Class Steps Curriculum. (3) Completely Free–Millions Reached. (4) Lives Transformed. (5) Reliable, Balanced, Merciful and Mindful Message.

It was through SeekersGuidance that I learned the purpose of life and how to connect my soul to my Lord, Allah. – Mehnaz

This is why we urge you to become a supporter of the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary. Help us raise $10,000 in monthly donations this Ramadan. Give now.
One. Global Impact 
In 2017, we had over 80,000 student registrations in our courses–and almost four million unique visitors to
In Term One of 2018, we had over 33,000 student registrations in Term One alone–and visits to the site are up. But this requires greater resources to sustain–and to continue to spread our reach and impact.
Two. World-Class Steps Curriculum
This year, we’ve launched our five level Steps Curriculum–developed in consultation with many of the world’s leading Islamic scholars. We launched the one-year Step One Essentials Certificate, and are busy completing Step Two and Three, Alhamdulillah.
For this, we have brought on some world-class scholars–including Shaykh Hamza Karamali, Shaykh Ali Hani, Shaykh Muhammad Ba-Dhib, and others.
Three. Completely Free–Millions Reached
Millions access our Answers, Guidance articles, Podcasts, YouTube videos, and other educational services–as well as the tens of thousands benefiting from our online courses. All this reach is possible because we offer all our courses and services completely free of charge.
This is the way of the Prophets, who all said, “I ask you for no payment for this. It is but a reminder to the whole world.” [Qur’an, 6.90]
This also makes knowledge open and accessible to all–believers and non-believers, male and female, rich and poor, wherever they may be.
Four. Lives Transformed 
Our reach isn’t about numbers: it is about lives transformed–about human impact, change, and benefit.
Global Islamic SeminaryGlobal Islamic SeminaryGlobal Islamic SeminaryFive. Reliable, Balancing Mercy and Mindfulness
SeekersGuidance offers reliable, qualified mainstream Islamic scholarship that balances the mercy and beauty of Prophetic guidance with mindfulness (taqwa) and practical caution–for a message that uplifts, is practical, brings meaning and mercy into lives, and transforms hearts and lives, helping them turn to Allah and His Beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).
This is why we urge you to become a supporter of the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary. Help us raise $10,000 in monthly donations this Ramadan.

Give now

Support impact. Support SeekersGuidance Global.
P.S. SeekersGuidance Global supports needy and deserving scholars and students through the Islamic Scholars Fund. Give your zakat and charity …….  
Last year, we raised $1.3 million.

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