SeekersGuidance Helpers Program
At the start of 2019, an exciting internship program began at SeekersGuidance Islamic Seminary.
The SeekersGuidance Helpers Program is a brand-new internship program aimed at utilizing the talent and passions of SeekersGuidance supporters from around the world. Now a few weeks into their internships, feedback from the Helpers indicates that the program serves to inspire them on their learning journey, while allowing them to use their existing talents and develop new ones.
These individuals come from very diverse backgrounds from all over the world. They are located in the US, Canada, India, and Sudan, just to name a few. With their wide variety of talents, passions and skills, they are contributing greatly to SeekersGuidance’s online services.
Our Contributors
Cori Mancuso works for the American Red Cross as a Disaster Relief Manager, and interns with SeekersGuidance’s Online Services and Content department. “SeekersGuidance is one of the fastest growing and engaging Islamic organisations in the world. I wanted to contribute to the organisation in an area that is both meaningful and challenging. With God’s success, I hoped to contribute in a small way.” She took SeekersGuidance’s course The Sunna of Speech, taught by Shaykh Rami Nsour, as well as benefitting from the Answers and the Blog. Now, as an intern, her role involves developing online content using her talent in editing and her passion for writing.
Razi Shaikh is a journalist from Mumbai, who is also working in the Content department. He began his involvement as a student of the Steps Curriculum, as well as being a frequent user of the On-Demand Courses and Answers Service. “SeekersGuidance is a true blessing to the ummah in an age of disconnect and uncertainty.” Seeing that it made a huge difference in his life, he applied for the program out of a desire to give back.
Razi has recently completed an interview with SeekersGuidance’s teacher Ustadh Abdullah Misra, and is now working on a piece about reusing and recycling traditions in Indian culture, and how it ties into the Prophetic example of minimising wastage and environmental stewardship. He feels that programs like the SeekersGuidance Helpers are important in order to bridge the gap between organisations and the community, and create greater synergy.
Empowering Female Contributors
Many of the Helpers strongly feel that through their contributions will support SeekersGuidance in boosting female scholarship and learning.
Tuscany Bernier is a writer and student of knowledge from the United States. “For women in particular, it is difficult to find places that take you seriously in fields of Islamic spirituality,” she says, “and we have collective work to do providing spaces for their valuable knowledge to shine.” She hopes to be able to uplift the voices of women, past and present, involved in seeking and spreading sacred knowledge.
Laila Abdel Ghany, who is interning from Cairo, Egypt, feels the same. “The more women are a part of scholarship, the more women become aware that this is even a possibility for them. The more names of women start appearing as active members in the community, whether as scholars, or simply as writers for a religious platform like SeekersHub, the more normalized it becomes, and the more young people grow up seeing women as part and parcel of the discourse.”
Celebrating Individuality
One thing that sets apart the SeekersGuidance Helpers program, is how the interns can use their individuals talents to pursue the topics they are interested in. In turn, they benefit the Seminary and the people who learn from it.
Eissa Dar is a research analyst from London, England, with a background in Middle Eastern studies and politics. Through researching and writing articles for the SeekersGuidance website, Eissa is achieving his goal of improving his writing and editing skills, and producing top-notch content. “Ever since I heard about SeekersGuidance, I wanted to contribute in some way.”
As this year progresses, make sure to keep an eye out for exciting content produced by our interns and published on our website!
The Internet, Learning Arabic and Islam – Interview with Ustadh Abdullah Misra