Visit SeekersGuidance at RIS! Register for a Class at Our Booth and Get a 15% Discount!
Dear Seeker,
We hope you are able to join us at the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference (RIS) in Toronto from December 25-27, 2009. In addition to signing sessions by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani (for “The Absolute Essentials of Islam”) and Nader Khan (for “Take My Hand”), we are pleased to announce a special 15% discount to RIS attendees who register for a Winter 2009 course at our booth. Visit us at Booth #924 for more information.
Volunteers are needed to help out with the SeekersGuidance booth at RIS.
“Whoever points to the good has the reward of those who act on it,” said the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).
All of SeekersGuidance services have been facilitated by a small group of dedicated volunteers–by the grace of Allah. They’ve dedicated countless hours to keep these services running.
Now, we need helping hands on the ground.
Please consider joining us at the SeekersGuidance booth for at least one 2-hour shift throughout the 3-day conference.
For more information or to sign up for a 2-hour shift, contact: