Reports – Seekersguidance Annual Report 2021
The Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) connected the hearts and minds of creation to their Creator. This sacred connection is the means of light and good in creation; it is the duty of the Prophets, and the inheritance of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
SeekersGuidance strives to preserve, transmit, and spread this sacred connection of light and goodness through spreading reliable, life-giving knowledge and guidance, from qualified scholars, in an accessible manner, completely free.
We’re working to make SeekersGuidance a truly world-class global Islamic academy so anyone, at any level, anywhere can access the best of Islamic knowledge and guidance, in a convenient way, and to assist them through
mentorship in their journey towards the pleasure and love of Allah Most High. This journey and cause is what we need your support for.