Free Zakat Guide, Calculator, and Scholarly Advice

Ramadan is the time where most people look to pay their Zakat. We get numerous questions on how and when to give Zakat, and more importantly to whom?

SeekersGuidance scholars have put together this free Zakat Guide that addresses the most common questions and provides spiritual guidelines on how to approach the question and act of paying Zakat.

SeekersGuidance Zakat Guide

The best of charity [and zakat] is that which fulfills the greatest need, or is a means to the greatest benefit. – Ibn Abidin

Zakat Explained: The Fiqh of Giving – Understanding Islamic Worship

This lesson by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is also a wonderful resource.

Shaykh Faraz explains the fiqh of zakat (obligatory charity) and how one gives in accordance with sound understanding of the Qur’an and Sunna of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace.

Zakat Calculator

On the same page you will also find a FAQ on Zakat, and if there are any questions you can’t find answers to in the FAQ you can submit them to our scholars.

May Allah reward you for all your efforts during His most Holy Month. Ramadan Karim.