Interview with a Productive Muslim: Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Interview with a Productive Muslim: Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is pleased to present to you an interview with a very ultra-Productive Muslim – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani.

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is a researcher and teacher of the Islamic sciences, specializing in Islamic Law. He is the Educational Director of SeekersGuidance, and a partner and legal advisor with StraightWay Ethical Advisory.  He has two published books: Sufism & Good Character and Absolute Essentials of Islam: Faith, Prayer, and the Path of Salvation According to the Hanafi School (White Thread Press, 2004.)


A ProductiveMuslim is someone who is successfully seeking the pleasure of Allah swt in their religion and worldly life – regardless of what they are doing. They say, “Your place is where Allah places you”. Where ever you are, seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT – in the way He has commanded, given your circumstances.

A truly ProductiveMuslim is someone, who understands the Prophetic example and who strives to live by it -both in their relationship with Allah and their relationship with Allah’s creation – someone who appreciates the Prophet’s example is one of beauty, excellence and sincere concern for good in one’s relationship to God and in relation to God’s creations.

A ProductiveMuslim is one, who has a sense of urgency and who is avid for the good and who seeks a consistent sustainable meaningful means of seeking the good for themselves and for those that they are responsible for – spouse, parents, children, and the society at large.

It is also important to make one’s work spiritual- make one’s “Islamic” work, spiritual. One does not do it merely for the work itself, but to keep in mind one is doing it for the sake of Allah and to begin in the name of Allah, striving to be in the remembrance of Allah. One must Seek Allah swt and connection to the Messenger of Allah (saws) by keeping in mind his radiant example (saws). Also, one can’t take on too much. One does what one can and stops before taking on what one can’t -to the best of ones’ ability.