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Does the Urdu Expression “Tum Azad Ho Meri Tarf Se” Count as Divorce?

Shafi'i Fiqh

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick 


Does the Urdu expression “tum azad ho meri tarf se” count as divorce? Would it still count if a husband says that to his wife without the intention to divorce her? This phrase is used for divorce in my location.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to that which is pleasing to Him. Amin.

According to the Shafi‘i School, the expression in question is considered allusive and would only constitute divorce if said with the intention of divorce, and Allah knows best.

Explicit and Allusive Expressions of Divorce 

Expressions such as “you are free from me” and “I free you from our relationship” in any language are allusive terms (kinaya). Allusive expressions affect divorce, but only if the husband intends to divorce. If he did not intend to divorce, no divorce occurred. [Shirbini, Mughni al-Muhtaj]

Divorce in a Language Other than Arabic

Only the word ‘divorce (talaq),’ when translated into any language, is considered explicit (sarih) and will therefore affect a divorce with or without the intention to do so. [Shirbini, Mughni al-Muhtaj]

Plain Words of Divorce  

The words that effect a divorce may be plain or allusive. Plain words effect divorce whether one intends it or not, while allusive words do not effect it unless one intends to divorce.

Using plain words to effect a divorce means expressly pronouncing the word divorce (in any language) or terms derived from it. When the husband says: “I divorce you” or “You are divorced,” the wife is immediately divorced whether he has made the intention or not.

Here and in the rulings below, expressions such as “the wife is divorced” or “the divorce is effected” mean just one of the three times necessary to finalize it unless the husband intends a two or threefold divorce or repeats the words three times.

When a husband is asked, “Have you divorced your wife?” and he says, “Yes,” she is divorced even if he does not intend it. [Keller, Reliance of the Traveler]

Allusive Words of Divorce

Using allusive words to effect a divorce includes:

  • The husband’s saying, “You are now alone,” “You are free,” “You are separated,” “You are parted,” “You are no longer lawful to me,” “Rejoin your kin,” “I am leaving you,” and the like.
  • His saying, “I am divorced from you.”
  • When he commissions the wife to pronounce the divorce, she says, “You are divorced.”
  • When someone asks the husband. “Do you have a wife?” He says, “No.”
  • or when the husband writes words that effect the divorce, whether able or unable to speak at the time of writing, whether he is present or absent, or whether he writes in plain or allusive words.

When one intends divorce by any of the above, the words effect it, but if one does not, they do not. [ibid.]

I pray this is of benefit and that Allah guides us all.

[Shaykh] Irshaad Sedick
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Irshaad Sedick was raised in South Africa in a traditional Muslim family. He graduated from Dar al-Ulum al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah in Strand, Western Cape, under the guidance of the late world-renowned scholar, Shaykh Taha Karaan. 

Shaykh Irshaad received Ijaza from many luminaries of the Islamic world, including Shaykh Taha Karaan, Mawlana Yusuf Karaan, and Mawlana Abdul Hafeez Makki, among others.

He is the author of the text “The Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal: A Hujjah or not?” He has served as the Director of the Discover Islam Centre and Al Jeem Foundation. For the last five years till present, he has served as the Khatib of Masjid Ar-Rashideen, Mowbray, Cape Town.

Shaykh Irshaad has thirteen years of teaching experience at some of the leading Islamic institutes in Cape Town). He is currently building an Islamic online learning and media platform called ‘Isnad Academy’ and has completed his Master’s degree in the study of Islam at the University of Johannesburg. He has a keen interest in healthy living and fitness.