What is the Ruling of Isha Living in High Latitude Areas?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel


I live in a high latitude city: (1) How soon is it permissible to pray ‘isha after maghrib during the twilight nights (when ‘isha never technically comes in)? In my city, it is increasingly common to pray ‘isha immediately after maghrib during the longest days of the year due to hardship. Is this a permissible position to follow and/or one that I can follow out of hardship?

(2) Is it sinful to sleep through a prayer (such as ‘isha or fajr) unintentionally?

(3) If I go to sleep immediately after performing maghrib, would it be sinful to allow myself to sleep and then pray ‘isha/with when I wake up for fajr? Does the fact that ‘isha does not technically come in during the twilight nights of the year impact this ruling?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate

I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.

1. Combining Maghrib and Isha

You may follow the opinion of combining the prayers of Maghrib and Isha during this period of absence of twilight or a set locked time of 65 minutes or more. Some esteemed Muftis and Jurists of the UK are of the opinion that Maghrib and Isha can be combined during the Summer months when the twilight does not disappear and Isha does not come in.

This can differ according to the latitude one is in. One can check muwaqqit.com and find out one’s latitude and entry and exit of prayer times. ‘Isha beginning will be shown blank during the absence of the twilight period.

Set Locked Time or More

Here in the UK, the Wifaq al-Ulama has set a 65-minute after Maghrib for Isha during the absence of the twilight period, and some have set the time to even more. Some are also of the opinion of permitting the combining of prayers during this absence of the twilight period.

2. No, it is not sinful if done unintentionally. See the link below.

If Someone Oversleeps and Misses Prayer

Abu Qatada (Allah be pleased with him) reported it was mentioned to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) that some of them missed the prayer. At the same time, they slept, and the Prophet said, “It is not neglectful if missed (unintentionally) because of sleep. Verily, it isn’t very careful if missed while awake. If one of you forgets to pray or misses it by sleeping, let him pray it as soon as he remembers.

Yes, although it is generally disliked, you may go to sleep after maghrib during the absence of twilight and pray Isha later, just before the end of Fajr, to allow you to have a block of good sleep due to the next day’s work, etc.

I would like you to go through the valuable answers and links below. You will receive guidance and direction in sha Allah.

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I pray this helps with your question.

[Mawlana] Ilyas Patel
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Mawlana Ilyas Patel is a traditionally-trained scholar who has studied in the UK, India, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. He started his early education in the UK. He went on to complete the hifz of the Quran in India, then enrolled in an Islamic seminary in the UK, where he studied the secular and ‘Aalimiyya sciences. He then traveled to Karachi, Pakistan. He has been an Imam in Rep of Ireland for several years. He has taught hifz of the Quran, Tajwid, Fiqh, and many other Islamic sciences to children and adults onsite and online extensively in the UK and Ireland. He taught at a local Islamic seminary for 12 years in the UK, where he was a librarian and a teacher of Islamic sciences. He currently resides in the UK with his wife. His interest is a love of books and gardening.