Is Surgery to Correct a Deformity Permissible?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel


I have a breast deformity known as tubular or tuberous breasts, which is caused by improper/incomplete development of the breast during puberty. I was wondering if surgery to correct this deformity (via implants or other methods) would be permissible as the deformity causes me mental distress and issues with my body image, and the purpose of surgery would be to correct a fault/deformity rather than to beautify.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate

I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question.

The general ruling regarding cosmetic surgery is that of impermissibility, for it involves mutilation of one’s body (muthla) and changing the nature created by Allah (taghyir khalq Allah). However, in genuine cases of extreme deformity, like in your case, there is a dispensation of permissibility.

Islamic Fiqh Academy Resolution on Plastic Surgery

One of the most influential bodies of Islamic ethics-legal deliberation is the Organization of Islamic Conferences’ Islamic Fiqh Academy (OIC-IFA), which brings together scholars of Islam and medicine for Islamic ethics-legal deliberation around bioethical challenges faced in the Muslim and non-Muslim world. The International Islamic Fiqh Academy discussed the issue of plastic surgery in 2007 and issued the following resolution:

1. It is permissible to perform the necessary plastic surgery, which is intended to:

(A) Restore the shape of the body organs to the situation in which man was created according to God saying: (We have indeed created man in the best of stature) [Quran: 95:4].

(B) Restoring the normal function of the body,

(C) To repair congenital disabilities such as cleft lip, severe nose deformities, nevus, excess fingers and teeth, and finger adhesion if their presence causes physical or moral harm.

(D) Repair of acquired defects caused by burns, accidents, diseases, etc., such as skin grafting, full reconstitution of the breast if removed, or in part if it is large or small, causing a medical problem.

(E) Removal of “ugliness” causing a person psychological or organ damage.

2. It is not permissible to perform cosmetic plastic surgery, which is not considered a medical treatment and is intended to change the appearance of the normal person according to his/her desires and the traditions of others, such as changing the face shape to appear with a certain appearance or with the intention of deceiving and misleading justice, changing the shape of the nose or eyes, or enlarging or reducing lips or cheeks.

3. If obesity poses a medical problem and no other method is available, body weight may be reduced by approved scientific means, including surgery (Liposuction), provided there is no damage.

4. It is not permissible to remove wrinkles by surgery or injection unless it is a medical problem, provided there is no damage.

I would like you to go through the valuable answers and links below. You will receive guidance and direction in sha Allah.


Why not begin your search for knowledge by signing up for a course on SeekersAcademy (, like from the Islamic Studies Curriculum ( or Youth Islamic Studies Curriculum (, building your way up doing each course?

I pray this helps with your question.

[Mawlana] Ilyas Patel
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat 

Mawlana Ilyas Patel is a traditionally-trained scholar who has studied in the UK, India, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. He started his early education in the UK. He went on to complete the hifz of the Quran in India, then enrolled in an Islamic seminary in the UK, where he studied the secular and ‘Aalimiyya sciences. He then traveled to Karachi, Pakistan. He has been an Imam in Rep of Ireland for several years. He has taught hifz of the Quran, Tajwid, Fiqh, and many other Islamic sciences to children and adults onsite and online extensively in the UK and Ireland. He taught at a local Islamic seminary for 12 years in the UK, where he was a librarian and a teacher of Islamic sciences. He currently resides in the UK with his wife. His interest is a love of books and gardening.