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Why Did the Prophet Seek Forgiveness if He Was Free from Sin?

Answered by Shaykh Anas al-Musa


What is the meaning of the Prophet Muhammad’s (Allah bless him and give him peace) seeking forgiveness despite his being free from sin?


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger sent as a mercy to the worlds, our Master and Prophet, Muhammad, and his Family and Companions.

The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) would frequently seek Allah’s forgiveness and even mentioned this about himself:

“By Allah, I seek Allah’s forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance more than seventy times a day.” [Bukhari]

The Prophet’s continuous seeking of forgiveness, despite his being protected from sin, carries multiple meanings and lessons:

Obedience to Allah’s Command

Allah (Most High) has commanded believers to seek forgiveness, as mentioned in the verse:

“…saying, ‘Seek your Lord’s forgiveness, (for) He is truly Most Forgiving.’” [Quran, 71:10]


“And seek your Lord’s forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will grant you a good provision for an appointed term.” [Quran, 11:3]

Teaching His Umma

Through his own actions, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) taught his followers the importance of seeking forgiveness, the danger of sin, and the need for repentance—even though he himself was free from sin. He set the example for Muslims to follow, saying:

“None of you will enter Paradise by his deeds.” They asked, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “Not even me unless Allah covers me with His mercy.” [Muslim]

This teaches Muslims to think, “If the noblest of creation sought Allah’s forgiveness, then what about us?”

Attainment of True Servitude to Allah

Seeking forgiveness is a way of showing one’s neediness and humility before Allah, and the Prophets were the most complete in their servitude to their Lord. They sought Allah’s forgiveness as an expression of their pure devotion and acknowledgment of Allah’s grandeur, regardless of their protection from sin.

Not Just for Sins

Seeking forgiveness is not limited to repenting from sins; it is an act of worship and remembrance that should be constant. Forgiveness elevates one’s rank and pleases Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth.

“Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will certainly be losers.” [Quran, 7:23]. Amin.

May Allah bless the Prophet Muhammad and give him peace, and his Family and Companions.

[Shaykh] Anas al-Musa

Shaykh Anas al-Musa, born in Hama, Syria, in 1974, is an erudite scholar of notable repute. He graduated from the Engineering Institute in Damascus, where he specialized in General Construction, and Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Usul al-Din, where he specialized in Hadith.

He studied under prominent scholars in Damascus, including Shaykh Abdul Rahman al-Shaghouri and Shaykh Adib al-Kallas, among others. Shaykh Anas has memorized the Quran and is proficient in the ten Mutawatir recitations, having studied under Shaykh Bakri al-Tarabishi and Shaykh Mowfaq ‘Ayun. He also graduated from the Iraqi Hadith School.

He has taught numerous Islamic subjects at Shari‘a institutes in Syria and Turkey. Shaykh Anas has served as an Imam and preacher for over 15 years and is a teacher of the Quran in its various readings and narrations.

Currently, he works as a teacher at SeekersGuidance and is responsible for academic guidance there. He has completed his Master’s degree in Hadith and is now pursuing his Ph.D. in the same field. Shaykh Anas al-Musa is married and resides in Istanbul.