Does Reading the Quran Increase Faith?

Answered by Shaykh Bassem Itani


Does reading the Quran increase faith?


All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his Family, and all his Companions.

The Quran as a Source of Increased Faith

Yes, reading the Quran does indeed increase a believer’s faith, especially when one reads it with the intention of drawing closer to Allah. Reflecting on the verses while reading amplifies this effect, as reflection deeply enhances the impact on the heart.

The Quran affirms that reading it increases faith. Allah says:

“Whenever a sura is revealed, some of them ask (mockingly), ‘Which of you has this increased in faith?’ As for the believers, it has increased them in faith, and they rejoice.” [Quran, 9:124]

The Quran also mentions that when believers hear its verses, their faith grows. So, how much more faith would increase for one who sincerely reads and engages with the Quran? Allah says:

“The (true) believers are only those whose hearts tremble at the remembrance of Allah, whose faith increases when His revelations are recited to them, and who put their trust in their Lord.” [Quran, 8:2]

Role of Contemplation (Tadabbur) in Strengthening Faith

This means that when they hear Quranic verses, they gain further certainty and conviction, and are motivated toward righteous actions. The frequent reminders and evidence strengthen one’s conviction and belief [See: Zuhayli, al-Tafsir al-Munir].

I also recommend engaging in tadabbur (contemplation) of the Quran, as it awakens the mind, enlightens the heart, and guides behavior. This is a legislative objective that Allah requires of His servants. Allah says,

“(This is) a blessed Book which We have revealed to you (O Prophet) so that they may contemplate its verses, and people of reason may be mindful.” [Quran, 38:29]

He also says,

“There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book through which Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, brings them out of darkness and into light by His Will, and guides them to the Straight Path.” [Quran, 5:15-16]

And Allah is the source of success.

[Shaykh] Bassem Itani

Shaykh Dr. Bassem Hussayn Itani was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1965. He earned his Ph.D. in Islamic Studies in 2005. Among his mentors were Shaykh Muhammad Taha Sukkar, Shaykh Adib al-Kallas, Shaykh Mulla Abdul ‘Alim al-Zinki, Shaykh Abdul Rahman al-Shaghouri, Shaykh Abdul Razzaq al-Halabi, Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Dib al-Bugha, Shaykh Dr. Wahba al-Zuhayli, Dr. Muhammad al-Zuhayli, and others, may Allah have mercy on them all. 

Shaykh Itani has a rich background in both academic and administrative fields. He has held significant positions in many governmental and non-governmental institutions in Lebanon and abroad. This includes his role as a member of the Academic Committee at SeekersGuidance and a senior teacher with the free online global seminary.

From 2020 to 2021, he served as the Dean of the College of Da‘wa – University for Islamic Studies (Lebanon) – Postgraduate Studies. He was the Director of Dar Iqra for Islamic Sciences from 1998 to 2018. Shaykh Itani is a well-versed teacher in several academic subjects, including Fiqh, Usul, Aqida, and Tafsir. He has supervised and examined numerous Master’s and Doctoral theses at various universities and colleges in Lebanon.

His contributions to Islamic sciences are also evident in his writings and research. His notable works include “The Relied-upon Statements of Imam Zufar in the Hanafi School,” “Collective Ijtihad: The Sublimity of Thought in the 21st Century,” and “Custom and its Impact in Islamic Jurisprudence.” Shaykh Itani has actively participated in numerous scientific conferences and seminars, both in Lebanon and internationally. He is linguistically adept, excelling in Arabic, proficient in French, and comfortably conversant in English.