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Are Supplications Made After the Entire Qur’an Has Been Recited Considered Accepted By Allah?

Hanafi Fiqh

Answered by Sidi Abdullah Anik Misra

Question:Assalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah,

I was wondering Sheikh if the du’a at the end of a session of listening to the entire Qur’an is mustajaab or not? And whether the rules of khatm apply to it as well? (i.e. saying takbeer after Surah ad-Duha and every other sura until Surah an-Nas, reciting al-Fatiha after Surah an-Nas and the opening verses of Surah al-Baqarah until olaaika hum al-muflihoon)

Answer: Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Thank you for your question.  Indeed, the dua’ [supplication] that is made after the entire Qur’an has just been recited, is considered accepted by Allah Most High [in Arabic, mustajaab].

When the Qur’an is recited in a large gathering, those in the vicinity who are also listening with the intention to listen, and then make dua’ with the reciter, also fall under this great blessing insha Allah.

This is not only for those who listened to the entire recitation, but even those who were present at the end of the recitation only, and for the supplication.  This is a time when great mercies and blessings descend upon the gathering, by the grace of Allah Most High.

What you mentioned as being rules of a completed reading [in Arabic, khatm] is not an obligation per say, but recommended.  The listener need not repeat after or join in with the reciter if he says “takbir” [“Allahu akbar”] or another dhikr between each surah after Surah al-Duha.  The listener, however, can and should say “ameen” while the supplication is being made.

The Blessing of Attending the Completion of the Reading of the Qur’an

The Companions gave a high importance to completing the reading of the Qur’an.  They also, in particular, would pay attention to the end of the reading and the recommended act of supplication made thereafter.

This is authentically narrated regarding Anas ibn Malik [may Allah be pleased with him], the illustrious Companion of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).

Imam al-Darimi narrates that, “Anas ibn Malik, when he would complete a reading of the Qu’ran, would gather his family and his children and supplicate for them.” [al-Darimi, al-Sunan]

Imam al-Darimi also relates that Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with father and son) used to appoint a man to watch over everyone reciting the Qur’an in the masjid, so that if someone was near completion, the man would inform Ibn Abbas, and Ibn Abbas and those in his company would go to attend the completion. [ibid]

Prayers Are Accepted at the Completion of a Reading of the Qur’an

Imam al-Tabarani narrates that the Prophet [Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him] is reported to have said, “Whosoever prays an obligatory prayer, has an accepted supplication.  And whosoever completes a reading of the Quran, has an accepted supplication.” [ibid]

Imam al-Darimi also authentically relates that Mujahid, an Imam in the Qur’anic sciences amongst the Followers (Tabi’een) of the Companions, once sent for someone, and when they arrived, he told them, “I only called you because we wanted to complete a reading of the Qur’an, and it has reached us that the supplication is accepted after a completed reading of the Quran.”  Then he said, “So supplicate, all of you, with [many] supplications.” [al-Darimi, al-Sunan]

Hence, this shows how much importance our righteous predecessors placed on gathering people to listen to the Qur’an, even just to be present for the end of the recital.  Also, how not just the reciter’s supplication, but even the listeners’ supplications, were also held to be accepted.

Mercy Descends at the Completion of the Reading of the Qur’an

Imam Nawawi relates in his book, al-Adhkar, that it is authentically related that Mujahid, the Imam of the Followers in Mecca in the exegesis of the Qur’an, said, “They [ie. the early Muslims] used to gather at the completion of the reading of the Qur’an, saying, ‘Mercy is descending.’” [al-Nawawi, al-Adhkar]

The Saying the Takbir after Each Surah Following Surah al-Duha

Imam al-Qurtubi writes in his exegesis of the Qu’ran:

“Mujahid narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (his main teacher, the great Companion), from Ubayy ibn Ka’ab (another great Companion with vast knowledge of the Qur’an), from the Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) that when he would reach the end of Surah al-Duha (Chapter 93) he would say “Allahu akbar” [the takbir] between each surah until he completed the reading of the Qur’an.”

In al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, it is mentioned that it is better if one person recites, and the others listen. [al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya].  The above-mentioned manner of completion with the takbir is particularly mentioned in the books of the Hanbali madhab as a sunnah act. [Ibn Qudama, al Mughni, and al-Bahuti, al-Qina’ of al-Bahuti]

Beginning Again After Completion

Imam Nawawi writes in al-Adhkar that it is recommended to begin another reading immediately after completing a Qur’anic reading, as it was loved by the pious predecessors to do so.  [al-Nawawi, al-Adhkar]

Ibn ‘Allan al Bakri, in his commentary on al-Adhkar, writes, “And so like this, the Qur’an reciters of the people of Mecca, when they completed the reading of the Qur’an, would begin anew and read the Fatiha and first five verses of Surah al-Baqara… then stop their recitation.” [Ibn ‘Allan, Futuhat al-Rabbaniyya]

This was done so they could constantly be of those that, once they arrived to their destination, immediately set out again for a journey through the words of Allah Most High, the Qur’an.

To summarize then, if a completion is recited in a gathering, which is recommended and blessed, then the etiquettes of the khatm would apply, and those gathered should listen to the reciter (though if they joined in, it would not be disliked), and then a group supplication should be made focused on praising Allah, and for the well-being of the Muslim ummah and for success in the Hereafter.  And Allah knows best.


Abdullah Anik Misra

Checked & Approved by Faraz Rabbani