Videos On How to Improve Your Du’a – Adab of Du’a Series

Allah Most High says, “I am near – I answer the call of the one who calls upon me (2:186).”

Yet, many of us wonder: Are my du’as being answered? Is there a certain du’a I have to read for each of my concerns? Do my du’as have to be in Arabic?

In this series of short talks, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the reality of du’a (supplication) and how to turn to Allah. It is based on a classical text on the same subject by Shaykh al Islam Zakariyya al Ansari.16255162654_95153fb928_z

Beginning with a beautiful biography of the author, the series covers the reality of du’a, its great virtue and proper etiquettes, and – most critically – how to use du’a to draw closer Allah.

WATCH: Videos On How to Improve Your Du’a:

The Life of Shaykh al Islam Zakariyya al Ansari – Adab of Du’a 01

The Reality of Du’a and Turning to Allah – Adab of Du’a 02 

Make Du’a or Leave It to Allah – Adab of Du’a 03

Is Making Du’a from Contentment Or Resentment? – Adab of Du’a 04

The Do’s and Don’ts of Du’a – Adab of Du’a 05

 The Art of Asking for High Matters – Adab of Du’a 06 

Certainty In Divine Response – Adab of Du’a 07

Watch Your Tongue When Speaking To The One – Adab of Du’a 08

5 Ways To Make Your Du’a Count – Adab of Du’a 09

Raise Your Hands to The Sky When Asking The Most High – Adab of Du’a 10

Let Praise Precede Your Asking of Needs – Adab of Du’a 11

Why & How We Send Blessings On The Beloved Messenger – Adab of Du’a 12

Be Mindful of God, He Will Be Mindful Of You – Adab of Du’a 13

Call On Allah By His Beautiful Names – Adab of Du’a 14

Beloved Calls: Make Du’a Like The Prophets Of Allah – Adab of Du’a 15

Leave All Rhyme and Ask For The Sublime – Adab of Du’a 16

How To Ask From Allah – Adab of Du’a 17

Loving The Beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) – Adab of Du’a 18

Three Manners of Supplication – Adab of Du’a 19

Begin With Yourself and Say Ameen – Adab of Du’a 20

Consistency, Praise, and Choosing Blessed Days – Adab of Du’a 21

The Times and Places of Du’a – Adab of Du’a 22

Chosen Times of Du’a – Adab of Du’a 23

The Many States That Can Change Your Fate – Adab of Du’a 24

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