Tag Archive for: Ramadan

Fasting, Prayer, Qur'an, and Spirituality in the Month of Ramadan

Learn To Live: A 30 Day Program in God’s Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation

God's Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation God's Mercy, Forgiveness…

Is Breastfeeding an Excuse to Not Fast?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaykum, My…

My Friend’s Baby Breastfeeds Throughout the Day. Is She Exempt From Fasting?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question: A friend is…

How to Make up Broken Fasts From Ramadan Through Eating or Masturbation? (Shafi’i)

Answered by Shaykh Shuaib Ally Question: If my Ramadan's fast…
What is Death

Is There an Expiation for Masturbation During Fasting? (Shafi’i)

Answered by Shaykh Shuaib Ally Question: Should a man having…

What Should I Do After Breaking a Make-up Fast Because of My Husband?

Answered by Shaykh Umer Mian Question I was fasting today with…

The Greatest Reward: Fulfilling The Urgent Need Of Others

A fund like no other Alhamdullilah, last year we established…
Eid Mubarak

"Is it Eid yet? A Fun and Educational Countdown for Kids"

Growing up in a sleepy English countryside village, we had to…

Is One Expiation (Kaffara) Enough for Several Contraventions During Ramadan?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalamu ‘alaykum, I…

Should I Return a Christmas Gift?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaikum, I…